Covid 19 Vaccine and Blood Pressure

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For people with underlying conditions, covid 19 can be particularly detrimental. However, there’s hope in sight given the introduction of the covid 19 vaccines. Despite the fact that the vaccine is here to help, you find that most people are a bit skeptical. This is mainly because they are not sure how the vaccine would affect their existing conditions like blood pressure. High and low blood pressure may be experienced by people from different age groups. This is why people are urged to get checked with hospital use blood pressure monitors to stay on top of their health. Learning more about the vaccine is the best way to get the doubts out of the way and be on your way to living a normal life.

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Is the Covid 19 Vaccine Safe?

Is the Covid 19 Vaccine Safe
Source: Unsplash

According to Dr. Mitchel Elkind, the president of the American Heart Association, the Covid 19 vaccine is safe for patients with heart conditions and blood pressure issues. Dr. Elkind has advised those with such conditions to get their vaccines as soon as possible to avoid being at any further risk. Scientists have come out to boldly say that the effects of Covid 19 are worse than any side effects that could be witnessed from the vaccine. With that said, the risk for any adverse effects from the Covid 19 vaccine on blood pressure patients is very small. 

The confidence exuded in the Covid 19 vaccine’s safety is mainly because the vaccines were tested on both healthy individuals and those with underlying conditions. With the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, their clinical trial featured 25% of people with high blood pressure and 2% with heart disease. Additionally, the Moderna vaccine clinical trial had 25% or more of people with high-risk conditions like heart disease. With both trials, the vaccines were found to be effective on those who are healthy and those with underlying conditions. This goes to show that the vaccine is safe to use.

How Covid 19 Affects Your Blood Pressure

How Covid 19 Affects Your Blood Pressure
Source: Unsplash

For people with a history of high blood pressure, the risks of adverse effects from the Covid 19 disease are very high. This is especially true for people who do not manage their condition with the necessary prescribed medication. When it comes to Covid 19 and blood pressure here are a few effects you may experience.

Oxygen Supply Problems

Covid 19 affects the lungs which reduce the ability to facilitate the supply of oxygen to your heart and body. When this happens, you find that your heart is forced to work on overdrive which could, in turn, affect your blood pressure.

Heart Problems

With high blood pressure, there’s a significant risk of contracting heart problems. However, with the addition of Covid 19, the risk increases dramatically. High blood pressure is a condition that makes the heart work harder than normal. With the elevation of your blood pressure levels due to Covid-19, you find that your blood vessels and arteries are attacked. This could lead to a heart attack or stroke.

How to Manage Your Blood Pressure

How to Manage Your Blood Pressure
Source: Unsplash

Managing your blood pressure levels is the best way to ensure that you can keep the Covid 19 disease in check before you get better. Being well prepared in case you contract the disease is important. To do this, the best way to take care of your blood pressure is by doing the following:

Eat Healthily

To keep your blood pressure in check, one of the most important aspects to consider is the kind of food you eat. You’ll need to stay away from junk food and embrace healthy foods that will help boost your immunity. There is a dietary approach to stop hypertension that includes having vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fish among others.

Take Your Medication

Taking medication prescribed by your doctor to manage your health condition is essential. Remember, as we said earlier, those who take their blood pressure medication have a higher chance than those who leave the condition untreated. Ensure that you keep up with your dosage as directed.

Develop an Active Lifestyle

Having an active lifestyle is a great way to regulate your blood pressure and keep it at the right level. Get in your exercises daily to ensure that you are on the right track. Exercising doesn’t have to be complex just take a walk around your neighborhood or do some yoga. Ensure you take on something you enjoy doing to make it easier to show up daily.

Monitor Your Blood Pressure Levels

Monitoring your blood pressure is essential. The best thing about this is that you can get a home blood pressure kit and learn how to use it. Consult with a blood pressure monitor manufacturer to get the best kit for your home. This will help you stay accountable and let you know if your lifestyle changes are effective.


When it comes to keeping your blood pressure in check, there are a lot of things you need to consider. By implementing them you increase your chances of surviving an attack from the Covid-19 disease. As for the vaccine, it is safe to say that it can be used by both healthy individuals and those with underlying conditions. Take the necessary steps to ensure that you get vaccinated as soon as possible.

Pregnancy and High Blood Pressure

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During pregnancy, every mother wishes and hopes to have a smooth journey and give birth to a bouncing and healthy baby. This is why paying attention to one’s health during this period is essential. Pregnancy comes with a lot of complications that may prove to be detrimental if not addressed accordingly. One of the most common occurrences during pregnancy is high blood pressure. This happens due to different things and may affect anyone whether you’ve had a history of it before or not. To ensure that you keep up with your blood pressure, taking consistent readings is essential. Going to a hospital that is well equipped with hospital use blood pressure monitors is a great first step.

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Types of Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

Pregnant lady getting her blood pressure checked.

When it comes to high blood pressure in pregnancy, you’ll find they come in different types mainly because they develop in different stages during pregnancy. These types include:


This condition comes when the pregnancy is a bit more advanced at 20 weeks old. When hypertension hits at this stage, you are likely to get preeclampsia which may also lead to some organ damage. If left untreated, this condition may prove to be fatal for both mother and child.

Chronic Hypertension

Chronic hypertension is said to have existed before pregnancy or before it got to 20 weeks old. Given the fact that hypertension at this early stage may not have symptoms, pinpointing when it began during the pregnancy will prove to be difficult.

Gestational Hypertension

When it comes to gestational hypertension, it occurs in the second trimester of the pregnancy and is not as fatal as preeclampsia. It is said to go away after giving birth to your child. With this, you need to ensure that you monitor the condition closely. This is mainly because the potential of it developing into preeclampsia is very high. Treat the condition early to avoid making the condition any worse.

Chronic Hypertension with Superimposed Preeclampsia

This condition is present in women who suffered from chronic hypertension before pregnancy. During pregnancy, if there is a presence of protein in your urine and high blood pressure levels, then you are said to have this condition.

Effects of High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

Effects of High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

High blood pressure in pregnancy is not something that should be ignored given that it may present adverse effects. Some of these effects include:

Placental Abruption

Placental abruption features the separation of your placenta from the inner walls of the uterus before delivery. This is mainly caused by preeclampsia and may lead to severe bleeding that may be fatal to both the baby and the mother.

Premature Delivery

If your blood pressure is bringing on too many complications in your pregnancy, early induced delivery may be needed. Early delivery will help avoid further issues that may be life-threatening.

Risk of Developing Heart disease

Preeclampsia brings on a high risk of developing heart disease, especially during your pregnancy. You should ensure that you are taking care of your blood pressure levels to avoid this.

Damage to Other Body Organs

High blood pressure may result in the damage of other body organs that are forced to work extra to keep up with the stress on the body. If your blood pressure is left untreated, you could injure your heart, kidney, lungs, brain, and liver among other major organs.

Signs Of Hypertension in Pregnancy

Signs Of Hypertension in Pregnancy
Source: Unsplash

During pregnancy, the idea of suffering from hypertension may be lost on you especially if you’ve never had such before. However, it is possible to suffer from hypertension during pregnancy with no history of such a condition before. This is why you need to understand some of the signs you should be keen to look out for. They include:

Severe headaches

Kidney problems and decreased urine output

Nausea or vomiting

Shortness of breath mainly caused by the presences of fluids in your lungs

Impaired vision or light sensitivity

Upper abdominal pains

What to do to Avoid High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

What to do to Avoid High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

High blood pressure during pregnancy can be avoided and also controlled with the right measures set in place. Some of the things to consider include:

Staying Active

Leading an active lifestyle and exercising is something you should strive for before, during, and after pregnancy. This is important given that it plays a big role in ensuring that your blood pressure levels are under control. It also helps with your cardiovascular health and strength. During pregnancy, be sure to go easy on yourself to avoid any complications.

Eating Healthily

It is without a doubt that you should eat healthy during pregnancy despite your high blood pressure levels. However, following up with this will help you keep your blood pressure levels under control.

Monitor Your Blood Pressure

Keeping tabs on your blood pressure is the best way to ensure that you stay on top of your efforts of having a healthier pregnancy. The best part about this is that you can get bp monitors for home use to keep up. Consult a blood pressure monitor supplier to get the best option.


High blood pressure in pregnancy comes in different types and may bring different complications. To avoid this, be sure to follow your doctor’s advice and adopt practices that will help you manage the high blood pressure levels. 

Heart Muscle Inflammation

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The Covid 19 pandemic has shaken things up in all sectors of our lives with some people being more at risk compared to others. We’ve had the time and again that people with pre-existing conditions are more at risk if they contract this disease. This is especially true for those with a history of high blood pressure and heart problems among others. With high blood pressure getting your levels measured using a hospital use blood pressure monitor is essential. This will help you manage the situation even as you deal with the Covid 19 effects. However, as we are warned about this, most of us have no idea what covid 19 can do to our hearts. The effects of Covid 19 on the heart will be experienced whether you’ve had previous heart issues or not. Some of the different ways Covid 19 will affect your heart include:

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Heart Muscle Inflammation

Heart Muscle Inflammation

When it comes to inflammation of the heart muscle, it is most commonly experienced by patients with advanced Covid 19 disease. This means that the disease has progressed and is not responding to any treatment options. The inflammation in the heart muscle is also referred to as Myocarditis that may also result in direct heart invasion by the virus.

When this occurs, you find that the heart is prone to enlarge and weaken which also results in a significant blood pressure level decrease. To keep tabs on your blood pressure with ease consider having a home-use blood pressure monitor at your disposal.

Additionally, this condition may also result in the appearance of fluids in the lungs which will make breathing effectively a task. Granted, this type of severe form of Myocarditis may be a bit rare. It is however common in most Covid 19 patients in a mild form with more subtle signs and symptoms. Regardless, it is important to ensure that you keep up with your medication to ensure that you are well prepared in case of anything. 

Oxygen Demand

Oxygen Demand

Covid 19 virus comes with fever and infections that will be catastrophic and affect the heart’s function. This leads to a faster heart rate and may result in further complications like pneumonia. With this, you find that the blood pressure levels are completely unpredictable. They could spike or drop at any given time. These fluctuating levels leave the heart struggling to catch up and cause significant stress as well.

With this, you find that there is high oxygen demand that can be met. This results in the weakening of the heart muscle. Oxygen supply is hindered by a blockage in the heart arteries by a blood clot. This leads to significant heart damage and stress to one’s body. This clotting is facilitated by the covid 19 diseases that could go as far as clogging the lungs. With such a condition the heart is left to deal with too much stress than it can handle. This then leads to a heart attack and may result in heart damage.



Different types of arrhythmia conditions are related to the heart and may differ depending on the causes. However, with Covid 19, you find that the medication is used to treat the disease and keep the virus in control may cause heart arrhythmia. Heart arrhythmia refers to the irregular beat of the heart. It could either be faster or slower than usual. With this, you find that the heart is not able to work at its best and may result in heart damage. It may also result in high blood pressure given the stress inflicted on the heart and your body.

How to Mitigate the Effects of Covid 19 on Your Heart

How to Mitigate the Effects of Covid 19 on Your Heart
Source: Unsplash

Being able to come out in front of this condition and avoid the negative results is the best way to go about this. This is especially true if you have a history of heart illness or other heart-related issues. To help avoid the adverse effects, here are a few things you should pay attention to.

Observe the Covid 19 prevention measures to the letter. It’s better safe than sorry so ensure to protect yourself as well as you can.

Learn more about the Covid 19 signs and symptoms and how to identify them

Keep up with your heart medication and keep up with your lifestyle changes

Ensure that you regularly take accurate blood pressure readings to ensure that you stay ahead and are well informed about your status.

Report to your healthcare provider whenever you feel the Covid 19 symptoms to get tested. This will help you avoid being too late and having to deal with advanced Covid 19 that could prove to be a problem.


Covid-19 has a significant effect on your heart whether you’ve had heart problems before or not. It is however more severe to those with heart issues as underlying conditions. This disease may result in inflammation that could lead to heart damage and deter its function significantly. This is why you need to take your time to ensure that you keep up with your treatment to avoid complications.

High Blood Pressure

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When your blood pressure levels are above normal and not in a healthy way, you are said to be suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension. This is a chronic condition that needs consistent and close monitoring to ensure you keep up with it. You need to ensure that you keep your doctor’s appointments and get consistent readings on hospital use blood pressure monitors.

This will ensure that you get accurate reading each time and can be advised by your doctor effectively. However, there are times you’ll find that the blood pressure levels suddenly spike even when you don’t have a history of the condition. This is something that may happen to anyone mainly brought about by certain factors. Some of these factors include:

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Not taking enough water may appear to be something small that has no consequence especially at the moment. However, dehydration is real and it’s something that can easily morph into serious health conditions. It will not only affect your skin appearance but will also mess with other parts of your body. Dehydration easily results in a sudden spike in blood pressure, especially in severe cases.

Without enough water in your body, your blood vessels tend to tighten up making your blood pressure levels increase beyond normal. Additionally, your body’s survival instinct will result in kidneys not functioning as well seeing as your body wants to hold on to the little liquid it has. This goes further to disrupt the normal functions of the body and will keep the blood pressure levels quite high. However, to address this, just be sure to keep taking water now and then and your blood pressure will normalize.


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Stress and anxiety have numerous effects on the body especially when it comes to our health and well-being. Anxiety is a major cause of sudden high blood pressure in people of different age groups. If the condition is left untreated it could result in hypertension and other health problems that will now need treatment. This is why you need to ensure that you seek treatment for anxiety and find ways to help you cope better with stress. Additionally, stress and anxiety result in a lack of sleep that will also contribute to the sudden spike in your blood pressure throughout the day.

White Coat Effect

White Coat Effect
Source: Unsplash

There is a certain feeling or effect that comes with changing locations that may result in a spike in your blood pressure. This is especially common when going to your doctor’s appointment. You may have taken your readings accurately using your home use blood pressure monitor and get to the doctor only to find it a bit higher. This is caused by the white coat effect. It is more apparent in people who are anxious or afraid of doctor visits and all that the doctors represent. Whitecoat hypertension is not fatal given that it will subside once you are out of the doctor’s office but can be mistaken for hypertension. This is why you need to ensure that you can differentiate between the two to avoid any mistakes.

Sudden Pain

Sudden Pain

Experiencing sudden or acute pain in your body sends certain signals to your brain that results in a spike in blood pressure. This sudden spike in blood pressure is however not fatal given the fact that it subsides once the shock wears out. This should therefore not alarm you when your readings are high after experiencing some kind of pain.

Having to Pee


According to different studies, holding pee can result in a spike in blood pressure as time goes by. This is not a healthy practice mainly because it is uncomfortable and could result in other health problems. This is why it is advised that when you need to pee you should go ahead and do it. Avoid holding it in if you can to avoid any unwanted complications from something so trivial. This applies to both men and women and cuts across different age groups. It goes to show that a sudden blood pressure spike can be experienced by anyone despite their age or gender.



Talking is something that we engage in daily and can be a cause for sudden blood pressure spikes. This is not related to talking too much or too fast but rather focussing more on the emotions involved. If you are talking with anger and resentment you find that your blood pressure levels will increase significantly. To reduce this, take your time to cool down and find your happy place. This will ensure that your blood pressure level stabilizes to avoid any further complications.


Sudden high blood pressure is something that can be experienced by people of different ages and gender. It doesn’t necessarily target those with a history of high blood pressure only. There are a few reasons why this may occur and paying attention to them will leave you in a better position. You’ll be able to try to avoid instances that will make your blood pressure spike suddenly. Take your time to understand these causes and do what is necessary to avoid or control them.

A Blood Pressure Monitor

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High Blood Pressure has been a global scourge for a very long time, and all indications point to an increase in the number of cases among people as lifestyle habits change with time. The worst part of this condition is that it doesn’t have any known cure; the best one can do is manage it once they are diagnosed, and this is where the challenge begins. You have to watch what you eat, and you have to constantly monitor yourself using a blood pressure monitor.

Fortunately for those battling with hypertension, there are certain vitamins and supplements that can be used to better manage the condition safely without having to rely too much on medication. We will be looking at some of the vitamins recommended for people suffering from hypertension, explore their core benefits and how often they should be taken to stabilize things.

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Vitamin D

Red Meat
Source: Pixabay

It has been found across the board that people who suffer from high blood pressure lack sufficient Vitamin D in their bodies, and this undermines their ability to fight the condition on top of other related diseases that usually follow high blood pressure. Vitamin regulates the amount of calcium, phosphates, and salts in the body, the latter being the biggest culprit behind heightened blood pressure. The best sources of Vitamin D include oily fish, liver, egg yolks, fortified foods, and red meat. Increase the consumption of these foods and more to increase your Vitamin D levels in the body.

B Vitamins

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The class of B vitamins is broad and diverse, with several elements sourced from different foods, each with its own unique way of dealing with HBP. Vitamin B2, for instance, also known as riboflavin, has been found to be effective in adults who have the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene mutations that increase the likelihood of someone getting hypertension as they advance into adulthood.

Vitamin B9, also called folic acid, is another vital vitamin that helps people who are also struggling with heart-related diseases. It is recommended that people take a lot of the vitamins when they are young adults to reduce the chances of them developing high blood pressure once they grow up. Vitamin B6 has also been found to contain supplements that reduce hypertension, even in animals. Human experiments are yet to be conducted to determine the efficacy, but all indications point to the high possibility of it being as effective as the other Vitamin B forms.

Common sources of Vitamin B include cheese, milk, eggs, kidney, liver, oysters, dark green vegetables, among many others.

Vitamin C

Source: Pixabay

Vitamin C is probably the most widely known and the most common of all vitamins that are effective against many human body complications, hypertension included. The body can’t function without Vitamin C, and among its many vital functions, it has been found that having sufficient amounts of Vitamin C in the body significantly reduces the chances of getting hypertension, and if you already have it, it makes managing it much easier and bearable.

Some good sources of Vitamin C include strawberries, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, potatoes, black currants, and all types of citrus fruits. You can choose to eat them directly for the best results, or you can choose to blend them as juices and a host of other forms.


Melatonin Supplements
Source: Pinterest

Melatonin is a special hormone that is synthesized in the body with the help of certain vitamins. The hormone serves many functions in the body, with the primary one being promoting sleep, which in turn pacifies the blood pressure in the body. It has been found to bring relief to people who have acute hypertension when they take the hormone in the form of supplements.

Another study conducted by experts also found a possible link between low melatonin levels in women with an increased risk factor for developing high blood pressure. More research is being conducted in that area to find more answers and ways of making the melatonin hormone a potent weapon against high blood pressure.


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Potassium is another vital supplement that works hand in hand with vitamins and other elements to control the amount of sodium in the body. One of the many reasons why hypertension is a food-based issue is due to the continued high intake of salt, which destabilizes the blood pressure. Sometimes the kidneys are unable to properly get rid of the sodium, and once this accumulates in the body, trouble starts.

Potassium stimulates the body to increase the pace of expunging sodium from the body through urine to help blood vessels to relax. It can be taken in as supplement pills or directly by consuming food that is rich in potassium. Some of these foods include bananas, oranges, cantaloupes, spinach, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, peas, cucumbers, among many others.


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It is hard to properly describe how important magnesium is in the body; it is a cofactor in more than 300 body enzymes that control the many body functions. Basically, in a layman’s language, the body would collapse without this life-giving mineral. Hypertension is one of the many diseases that magnesium helps get under control. So how exactly does magnesium help regulate hypertension?

Magnesium works by stimulating the production of nitric oxide, which in turn leads to the blood vessels relaxing. It has been found that taking about 450mg of magnesium per day over four months by people suffering from acute high blood pressure reduces the effects of the condition by huge leaps. A further study also indicated that taking diets rich in magnesium every day for healthy people keeps them from developing high blood pressure in their later stages of life.

The best sources of magnesium include fish dishes like salmon, mackerel, pollock, and halibut. You can also increase your intake of vegetables like spinach, edamame, okra, and tamarind.


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Probiotics are essential bacteria that are found inside the stomach lining, and they play a wide range of vital roles in the body, dealing with hypertension being among them. People with low numbers of probiotics in their body, which can go down due to many reasons, drinking alcohol heavily being one of them, were found to be susceptible to developing high blood pressure compared to those that had enough of them.

The best external sources of probiotics are milk-based products like yogurt and other fermented products. You could also go with taking probiotic supplements to further boost your immunity and give your body the chance to properly manage high blood pressure.

Dealing with Hypertension

Hypertension Drugs
Source: Pixabay

High blood pressure has been linked to lifestyle habits, which means that it is a condition that can be avoided in the first palace for most people. And as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Before you end up relying on medication and supplements, you should first make the following changes in your habits

Eat healthy foods with limited salt. Increase your intake of vitamin-rich foods that are also high in potassium and magnesium. HBP patients are usually put on a special eating program called the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and low-fat foods. Watch what you eat at all times.

You need to lay off alcohol completely. Healthy people are advised to limit their intake of alcohol, and for those that are already dealing with hypertension, touching alcohol is suicide. Alcohol gets absorbed into the blood directly, and this can alter the blood pressure within minutes, worsening an already bad situation.

Monitor yourself constantly. There’s handy enough technologically advanced blood pressure monitors that you can use as a BP check machine at home to keep track of your blood pressure as many times as you can to ensure you are on the safe side. Some even come with mobile apps like the BP Secretary App that lets you monitor yourself in real-time through the seamless interconnection between the smartphone and the BPM.

Keep your stress levels down as much as you can. Your mental state is like a time bomb when you are dealing with hypertension. If you are the type to lose their cool all the time, then you’ll have a hard time navigating through this condition. You have to lead a peaceful life away from the chaos and troublesome people. Any little stress will lead to your hypertension skyrocketing, and it could kill you.

Increase physical activity. High blood pressure goes hand in hand with obesity, and if you find yourself dealing with both, then your chances of survival drastically go down. You have to exercise as much as you can to cut down your body weight, and that will make it easier to deal with high blood pressure. Your blood vessels will become healthier and stronger enough to pump blood, countering the adverse effects of hypertension. If there’s a time in your life where you have to get that gym membership, that time would be now.


High blood pressure is a huge problem around the world, but it is not a death sentence. It may not have a direct cure, but there are many proven ways that you can implement in your life to make sure you manage it. As the leading BP machine company, we specialize in the creation of reliable high blood pressure monitors that give accurate results within seconds. We also have qualified experts who can answer all your questions and concerns to your satisfaction. Therefore, do not hesitate to visit our website or get in touch with us at your convenience.

accurate bp monitor

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Technology has had a far bigger reach in the medical field, more than what people would love to admit. What used to be inaccessible is now in the hands of millions, with blood pressure monitors taking the crown for one of the most innovative creations. Sphygmomanometer types and brands are many, with each promising out of the world results. What can be said to be a fact is that they do work, with some getting the job done better than others. The following are some of the most accurate Blood Pressure Monitors in the market right now.

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Omron Platinum

Omron Platinum BP Monitor
Source: Amazon

Omron Platinum has been one of the most accurate digital blood pressure monitors for years now and continues to perfume even better with every new release. Created by the Omron company that’s also home to a number of other blood pressure monitors that are widely used around the world in homes and hospitals.

Much of its accuracy is down, or a technological feature called TruRead, which takes readings from multiple tests then averages them to get a more accurate final result that is displayed clearly on its big screen. The design of the monitor is great, and one can comfortably hold it in their hands as it is not heavy. It is also portable and can be sued even when you are not in the house. On the price range side, it is a bit costly, but when you consider the features, then it could be described as a value device.

It stores about 200 readings and can accommodate an unlimited number of users at the same time. It also comes with a smartphone app that can be synchronized for easier operations and readings.



Beurer BM26

Beurer BM26

The Beurer BM26 is another small and convenient blood pressure apparatus that is not only cheap but packs some of the features you’d normally find in high-end devices. Priced at about £30, this blood pressure monitor can store readings of up to 4 different users at the same time, with each user getting storage of about 30 readings. It may not sound much, but it still does get the job done. There’s always that option of using all four slots for one person, and this gives you an impressive 120 readings.

For better accuracy, the Beurer BM26 collects all the readings you have done in a 24hr period, calculates an average of them all to give you a conclusive report on the state of your blood pressure as accurately as it can. The only drawback to the device is the lack of a backlit display. Otherwise, it is a good buy with good accuracy.



Raycome RBP 9805

Raycome 9805 blood pressure machine

Raycome has been one of the fastest-growing BPM manufacturers, and their habit of creating top of the range products has been instrumental in establishing their name among the best in the sector. The RBP 9805 is a true testament to their continued efficiency.

Making use of the groundbreaking PulseWave Technology, this sphygmomanometer registers some of the most accurate blood pressure readings. The PulseWave technology works a little differently from most of the other devices. Instead of using a single sensor, this digital BP monitor employs a dual-ballon sensor that conducts a continuous measurement of multi-pressure pulses then combines all the measurements into an average score that displays the closest value to the real reading with very little margins of error.

The technology has been so effective that it has already earned some awards despite being around for a short time. There are patents already filed in over 40 countries where the Raycome RBP 9805 is in high demand. It can be synchronized with the native BP Secretary App.



Withings BPM Connect


Withings BPM Connect has one of the most interesting designs. It is one of the smallest blood pressure monitors you’ll ever come across, a feature that makes it very economical and ideal for people on the move. But don’t let the small size fool you into thinking that it lacks in the major features.

To start off, it has a reliable battery that can last for up to 6 months on a single charge, making it the ideal device to carry with you on long travels; you would still be set even if you forget the charger at home. It also comes with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, which ensures that readings are shared seamlessly with the mobile app, allowing you to save all your readings to cloud storage. This eliminates the need for internal storage. The cloud data is very secure and can be accessed at any time from any place.

Like most accurate blood pressure monitors, Withings BPM Connect gives the results by taking a number of measurements then doing an average of everything before availing the results through the mobile phone app, storing it in the process.



Generation Guard

Generation Guard BPM

Generation Guard is an arm blood pressure monitor that rates highly among the best digital blood pressure monitors. It has a very simple design that boasts of a cuff that can be extended to fit just about any size of the arm. It also comes with a sleek backlit screen, which allows the user to see the readings in clear legible fonts.

It has a storage capacity of up to 90 readings and comes with its own set of rechargeable batteries and a carry case for those times where you may need to carry it with you on the road. It is not heavy, and you’ll barely feel it in your hands or bag. The adjustable cuff can be made tighter for more accurate readings, and it even comes with a detailed instruction manual to help you understand how to operate it without any outside help.

The accuracy of this device may not be up to par with the Omron and Raycome RBP 9805, but the reading is still decently near to the real thing. As it is always recommended, endure you keep off drinking and smoking before taking any measurements to ensure that you are in the right condition to do that.





LifeSource is another intricately designed and reliable blood pressure monitor that is one of the most versatile and has the best BP cuffs. The company behind it was reasonable enough to create a cuff that can be adjusted well enough to fit even those with the biggest arms around. One of the reasons why most BPMs don’t post accurate readings is due to having cuffs that are too tight or too large with no option for making adjustments. LifeSource has been able to find a solution to this problem.

The device is so sensitive that it is able to pick out an irregular heartbeat, notifying you immediately, something that can save your life as irregular heartbeats are precursors to something more serious. LifeSource attains a high accuracy level through its high sensitivity and the averaging of several readings to give a result that has very little margins of errors. It can store up to 60 readings, which is way below many of its peers within the same price range, something that should be improved on.



Why Accuracy Matters

Source: Pixabay

A digital blood pressure machine designed for home use was designed to reduce those trips to the doctor’s office and to give everyone a self-diagnosis tool in their hands that’s easy to operate. But they are not doctors, and they don’t heal. However, they have to be accurate because wrong information in the medical world can lead to a lot of problems if acted upon as a fact.

An inaccurate reading will lead to a misdiagnosis, which will lead to the patient being prescribed the wrong medicine that will only serve to make an already bad situation worse. This is the reason why every automatic digital blood pressure monitor undergoes rigorous tests to ascertain its accuracies before being released to the consumers. This is also why many blood pressure monitor manufacturers design them to take several readings then find the average, which will be the true representation of what’s on the ground.

Are there things you can do to ensure that the readings your blood pressure monitor takes are as accurate as possible? Yes. Some of the activities you can do include the following.


It is evident that getting the most accurate hypertension checking machine is the most important thing to consider when shopping for BPM devices. There are many other models outside this list that have impressive features worth checking out. If you do have any questions and concerns, please contact us at any time, and we will address everything you have on your mind regarding blood pressure monitors.